Blackcat are Testing Strategies to Make Ransomware Attacks More Effective

Ransomware hackers are exploring a new kind of attack that, rather than encrypting data, outrightly destroys it. The goal is to make it unthinkable for the target to fetch their data if they don’t pay the ransom.
Ransomware is one of the massive cybersecurity problems facing the world presently. While many targets refuse to give in to the shakedown, many believe they have no choice but to settle for a decryption key.
Based on cybersecurity researchers at Cyderes and Stairwell, at least one ransomware group is exercising ‘data destruction attacks’.
Blackcat may Gain More Leverage Against Victims
This could be tricky for ransomware victims because while it’s often likely to retrieve encrypted data without paying a ransom, the danger of completely eroding servers if they fail to comply could lead them to pay.