Ore Proposes to Solve Solana Network Crisis Through Incentives
Hindhat Chad, the developer behind the Ore project, suggests a solution to the latest congestion the Solana network is currently experiencing. Speaking on providing incentive plans, which include the allocation of SOL tokens, that will attract the network users to actively participate in testnet activities.
By rewarding users for testing newly created features and protocols, this initiative seeks to improve the system’s performance and spot possible bugs and issues before it causes mainnet obstruction.
Solana Community Reacts
The community had a mixed reaction to Chad’s comments. Some commenters support this plan and some, like user TheSoftwareJedi, advise Chad to display cooperation and support to the foundation while focusing on establishing his project.
TheSoftwareJedi proposes that Chad can seek out grants from the foundation while emphasizing that incentives will be better if a standalone project organizes it than making the foundation create one. However, Chad stated that Ore’s goal is to develop cryptocurrency and not tools on Testnet.
Addressing Spam and Testnet Challenges
The developer reassessed the prospect of using incentives to reduce spam. The move fosters doubt of deploying these bots on the testnet.
This proposition is consonant with Chad’s news of the immediate termination of all mining activities to avert any subdued and protective measures. He emphasizes that it is about creating a smart contracts framework that adapts to the new challenges the network faces, linking this to ORE’s v 2 goals of long-term sustainability that are stated on its roadmap.
Authority Distribution
The concept of Ore on Solana coins brings about authority distribution where work tokens play the role of the tool.
This has helped to chock the network with the tricks of an irregular number of transactions and schedules, hence, the pegging figures in to the numerous cases of failed transactions, especially when memecoins are at their peak.
The Solana developers have reacted to this situation and have come up with an improvement bot v1.17.31 update of the mainnet beta, which will help solve ongoing network congestion.
This patch proposes the changes to eliminate the traffic-load in further versions, with the latter changes in v1.18.