Russia Warns the West About Direct Military Confrontation as Their Response to Cyberattacks

According to the International Service RFE, the Russian authorities made a stern warning to the West, saying any cyberattack on their digital infrastructure could lead to a direct military confrontation.
Russia warned that any attempt by the West to challenge Moscow in cyberspace would be reciprocated and might cause a direct military confrontation, the media news company earlier reported. Their warning came just days after the recent attack that was launched by Ukraine’s IT Army on Russia’s Ministry of Construction and Housing.
The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Russia’s critical infrastructure and government institutions are facing cyberattacks, and it is believed that those in the U.S and Ukraine are the ones responsible for these attacks.
He added that Russia will never leave these hostile actions unanswered and claimed that all their actions are accountable and within the scope of domestic and international law.
The Ministry also stated that the West wants to use the cyberspace as a weapon and a platform for confrontation with other countries. They said that the West is increasing the risk of a direct military confrontation which results in unpredictable consequences.
Since the start of the Russian-Ukraine war, many russian websites have suffered cyberattacks from cyber groups around the world which are in support of Ukraine. At the time of writing, more Russian infrastructures are still being targeted because of the on-going war.
Russia Reports Cyber Attacks on The Ministry of Construction
Following the recent attack on the Ministry of Construction and Housing, Ukraine’s IT Army was behind the attacks launched on their website. People who visited the website noticed a display message saying which was phrased “Pride for Ukraine”. The hackers later demanded for 0.5 bitcoin threatening to expose data from the ministry’s employees.
Cyberattacks have been exchanged between Ukraine and Russia since the start of the war. Cybergroups which pledged their support to Russia have been devastating in the cyberspace but the Ukraine IT Army have also been very relentless.